

Selasa, 28 Maret 2017

When God Made You

Ini aku copas dr blog c Cella..
Aku pernah milihin lagu ini pas jd petugas LCD..terus pengantinnya terharu gitu...
😀 So sweet,,,

When God Made You

Posted by Marcella Flaorenzia at 9:38 AM

Morning from Melbourne! :)

Cuaca di sini udah mulai dingin, apalagi sekarang tiap hari kita harus bangun jam 4:30 pagi karena pekerjaan DM yang baru.. masih gelap and dingin banget.. but enak juga buat saat teduh, hehe..

Anyway, pagi ini lagi keingetan aja sama 1 lagu yang kita pake waktu wedding dance.. Judulnya "When God Made You" (By Newsong and Natalie Grant) Suka banget sama lagu ini! Thanks to Sari yang udah bantu nyari-nyari lagu and "gak sengaja" ketemu lagu ini, haha.. Waktu itu lagi bingung banget mau dance pake lagu apa, and waktunya juga udah mepet banget, blom latian dsb. Eh pas denger lagu ini, langsung suka, terutama sama liriknya.. And pas DM dengerin, dia juga setuju :)

Kita dance gak lama, kira-kira cuma 2 menit pertama dari lagu ini, but it was fun and unforgetable :p apalagi kita berdua kagak ngerti gimana caranya dance, hahaha.. Thanks to July yang udah bantuin kita latihan :) So, enjoy this song.. and siapa tau ini bisa jadi masukan lagu buat kalian yang lagi persiapan wedding, hehe..

"When God Made You"

(Newsong with Natalie Grant)

It's always been a mystery to me

How two hearts can come together 

And love can last forever

But now that I have found you, I believe

That a miracle has come 

When God sends the perfect one

Now gone are all my questions about why 

And I've never been so sure of anything in my life


I wonder what God was thinking 

When He created you 

I wonder if He knew everything I would need 

Because He made all my dreams come true 

When God made you

He must have been thinking about me

I promise that wherever you may go 

Wherever life may lead you 

With all my heart I'll be there too 

From this moment on I want you to know 

I'll let nothing come between us 

And I will love the ones you love 


He made the sun He made the moon 

To harmonize in perfect tune 

One Can't move without the other 

They just have to be together 

And that is why I know it's true 

You're for me and I'm for you 

'Cause my world just Can't be right 

Without you in my life 

[Tag chorus:]

He must have heard every prayer I've been praying 

Yes He knew everything I would need 

When God made you 

When dreams come true 

When God made you 

He must have been thinking about me

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