

Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Army of God

A Modern Day Ruth
Dear Future A Modern Day Boaz....
I desire a man that can understand my craving and thirst for the Holy Spirit, a man who will understand my bath time is my secret place, a man whose life will inspire me to love God even more. I need a man that focuses on my strengths more than my weaknesses, and will come alongside me as an added strength to make up for them. I need someone who is inspired by my love for God. I want to add to fuel to his passion for the Lord, so that together we will be a raging fire for God, and our lives will warm others lives and hearts for God. I need someone one who finds investing in the kingdom to be more important than anything -someone who loves to minister to others. I need someone who likes to cuddle and have long talks about God, life, dreams, and deep things. I love to learn and grow. I don't want to be a small pond, but a flowing continually moving body of water. Being stagnant is boring. I want to have adventures wherever God takes us. I might not always have the faith, but I want to know I can trust my man to lead us in obedience to God's will. I want a man who wants to take baths with me and read the Bible to me. I want a man who sees my kids as added blessings, not burdens, and will speak words of life, healing, and blessing into their hearts. Even though they are almost grown, they still need spiritual influence by a godly man. I need someone who does not look at my present, humbling circumstances as my identity, but looks at the strength and courage it's taken to walk this road as a "Ruth" every single day. I want to feel safe and know that he won't leave when trouble or trials come, but he will cover me spiritually as we work things out together in prayer, in the word and in loving each other. I need a man who understands that I am a feminine woman and I love being one. I love being girly girl and dressing up and wearing heels and jewelry. I love getting my hair and nails done. I am old fashioned and I like having a man that takes the lead but wants me to work beside him. I want a man who loves people and sees that investing in others is valuable. I want a man who isn't afraid of my sensitivity to the Holy Spirit or the tears that often fall from my eyes when God touches my heart. I want a man who appreciates what I give him and values the love and loyalty I have for him. I want a man who will sweetly spoil me but knows I won't take it for granted -that I will lavish him with my love too. I'm passionate. I'm a lavisher. Love should be that way. I want to find my lion. This is what I am praying for! ~ A Modern Day Ruth, Jenny Williams Copyright 2015

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

When God’s Answer is “No”

When God’s Answer is “No”



Sometimes it’s hard to believe that once we pray, fast, and make our requests known to God, that He would still not grant us the desires of our hearts. Afterall, His word says “For all things are possible with God” so what’s so hard about Him giving me a new car, or my dream home, or someone I can grow old with and share the rest of my life with?

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (MARK 11:24)

After reading this verse, For many years I thought of it as a “get out of jail free” card. I could have what I want, when I want, if I only believed. Sounds simple huh? Well, boy was I wrong? It doesn’t quite work like that. Not in the least bit.

Prayer opens the door for God to work, but it does not guarentee that we will always get what we want when we ask. When you pray, ask yourself these 3 things:

1. Does what you’re praying for align with God’s word?

Example: I had someone ask if I would pray for her and her boyfriend’s relationship. They were having trouble in paradise and she wanted someone else to pray for the two of them. Problem is…. He was married to someone else. I prayed for her, but just not what she wanted me to pray for her.

2. Will whatever you’re praying for glorify God?  Is this your testimony waiting to happen?

3. Are you doing your part?

Faith without works is dead. It’s not enough to believe that God can. Show your faith. What good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (HEBREWS 11:1)

By Faith We Understand–

I don’t know about you, but it’s always during my hardest times that I draw closer to God. I think that’s the whole point honestly. If God gave us everything we ask for when we ask for it, we would never need to exercise our Faith. Faith is not faith until it’s all you’re holding on to. We can pout now and thank Him later or walk by faith and thank Him in advance. So go ahead and praise Him in the midst of your storm right now. Don’t wait until God gives you a “yes” to praise Him.

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14)

Always Pray God’s Will–

This means that we have to have faith that even if God doesn’t give us what we pray for, we are okay with that because we trust His will. Sometimes we pray for things that are not God’s best for us. We don’t know it at the time, but we eventually realize it later.

You didn’t get the job you prayed and fasted for, but months later you got a job paying 3 times the amount of the one you were willing to settle for. This is my story exactly. I had started to let fear take control and questioned God for allowing me to almost become homeless. Notice I said “almost”. Even without a job, God made a way for me to keep a roof over my head and food in my stomache. Interview after interview I was overlooked for positions I knew I was well qualified for. Looking back at it now, I thank God for His “no”.

God knows what’s best for us. We may not understand at times or like the process, but with faith, we can rest knowing that He is in control.

Kesempatan, doa dan family tree...😀

Menjelang thn baru China, temen meninggal...
Dr situ belajar bhw kita hrs memanfaatkan wkt dgn efektif, tdk boleh buang2 waktu..Pakai wkt yg ada buat bersaksi, mendengarkan curhatan orang2, menyemangati, mendoakan n menolong mereka...
Kejar panggilan hidup...
krn kita ga tau waktu kita sampai kpn, jd hrs bertanggung jawab n memuliakan Tuhan..pengaruhi byk org ke arah positif...
Bermanfaat buat orang lain dan jgn cm memikirkan masalah sendiri aja..
Semangat...Ora et labora...
Semoga Tuhan kuatkan org2 yg bermasalah dan berduka..
Oya jgn lupa utk mengampuni org2 yg jahat, mereka pasti sgt terluka jd hobi melukai org..Susah sih..penuh perjuangan..Don't judge book by its cover..mohon kekuatan dr Tuhan..
Kemarin pas layat itu aku bersaksi..hehe..mumpung msh ada kesempatan..
Bersyukur bs bersaksi dan menyemangati org lain...

Keluaran 17: 8-15.. .
Pahlawan tak terlihat..
Tak perlu terlihat byk org..yg penting membawa dampak positif buat byk org..
Pahlawan doa...
Doa itu menguatkan...
Tetap berdoa walau kdg lelah...
#doa #prayer ..

Aku suka belajar dr seminar, konseling2 gtu..kmrn ttg family tree...
Dr pohon keluarga, kita menganalisa struktur keluarga, pola hubungan antar keluarga, kesehatan fisik, dll..
Dr situ bs belajar buanyak..bbrp diantaranya adl memahami sifat keluarga, membangun komunikasi yg hangat, memperbaiki pola asuh thd anak2, mencegah sakit, dan menyelesaikan okultisme...
Bersama Tuhan, kita bisa bertumbuh...

Pay attention..Note campur aduk..😂

Regrann from @jolynne_whittaker - WHITE HOT PROPHETIC WORD
✨1-25-17✨God is going to show you everything you need to know in order to make the right decisions.  I hear the Holy Spirit saying INTERVENTION and REVELATION is coming --- in a great UNCOVERING of information.✨Thank you, Jesus!  We praise you!!✨
PAY ATTENTION!  The Lord is going to show you what you need to know.  It may hurt, it may unhinge you, it may motivate you, it may mean things now must change in your relationship, family, career or workplace --- but the wondering is about to END. .
You're about to FIND OUT some things, LEARN some things, as the Lord REVEALS many things.  Some of it will be hard, some of it will be amazing.  Some of it will be a relief, some will be a celebration.  Some of you are going to be glad because at least know where you stand.  And some of you will finally know what moves you must make.
So yes, the coming revelations may challenge you or require action from you, but you are going to learn everything you must, in order to do what you must.  BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR SEASON OF GROWTH, and when we track with Jesus, we ALWAYS reach our OPTIMAL destination.  Awaiting you an OUTPOURING---there is GREAT BLESSING on the other side of your actions!  To God be the glory for what He's about to do!
✨✨To those who are touched by this prophecy, I encourage you to respond appropriately to what the Lord is about to tell you.  Obedience will bring forth blessing!

Aku sedang dlm tahap investigasi thd sifat2 asli bbrp org yg mendekatiku akhir2 ini..hehe..
Sbg single happy...sbenarnya happy2 aja..
Hm tp my famz tu menanyakan ttg pasanganku terus..
Diminta memilih diantara 2 org lain yg sudah kukeluarkan dr kandidat..krn tdk sesuai kriteria..yah gitu deh susah menjelaskannya..pokoknya ga seimbang n ga sepadan..
Aku menemukan ini..Ayatnya pas banget ya perasaan...

Kisah Para Rasul 1:24 (TB)  Mereka semua berdoa dan berkata: "Ya Tuhan, Engkaulah yang mengenal hati semua orang, tunjukkanlah kiranya siapa yang Engkau pilih dari kedua orang ini,

Acts 1:24 (NET)  Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the hearts of all. Show us which one of these two you have chosen.

Sudah gitu aja..itu cuma kuhubung2kan sendiri sih..wkwk...

Ketika es batu hrs meleleh mjd air...
Air itu tetap bermanfaat utk menghilangkan dahaga dan memberikan kesegaran...
Air itu jg bs dicampur bhn2 lain shg mjd susu, coklat, teh, kopi, dsb..
Air tetaplah bermakna apapun bentuknya..
 Be strong n courageous...
#my #quote #Priskila

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

5 Things To Do When You Feel Empty and Broken

5 Things To Do When You Feel Empty and Broken

By Stacey Pardoe
woman feeling empty and broken

Only God can satiate the deepest longings of the soul.  When you’re real about it, where have you been turning to quench the longings?  When the darkness settles, and you’re along with your longing, what do you do about it?

We hear well-meaning Christ-followers speaking of turning to Christ alone to satisfy, but what does this actually look like?

When I’m real about it, I admit that opening my Bible isn’t always satisfying.  Closing a door to pray feels like the very kind of work from which my weary soul needs rest.  Listening to a sermon sounds somewhat boring.

So how can we satisfy our souls with God in ways that bring life?

Here are five suggestions:

1. Find a hobby you genuinely enjoy

Pursuing a hobby sounds quite unspiritual, but God created passions and interests in us so that we would have parts of our lives that purely fun and recreational.  Being outside is a big one for me, but for a few years, I considered it a waste of time to hike just for the fun of hiking or go running just because it felt good.  It didn’t seem spiritual enough.

In the 1981 movie, Chariots of Fire, Olympic runner Eric Liddell says, “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.” God is pleased when we pursue activities we sincerely enjoy.  Pray about it, search your past, and consider what truly brings life to your soul.  Make time to pursue that passion.

Whether it’s a raised garden in the backyard, a new set of paintbrushes, or a rekindled passion for baking, set aside some time to pursue it without guilt.

2. Learn to walk in constant dialogue

We’re less depleted when walking in constant conversation with God is the habit of our days.  When I’m continually listening for his promptings, enjoying the life at my fingertips, and communing with him like a best friend, his ongoing voice in my life brings life.  It satisfies my soul.

3. Reinvent the way you read the Bible

When Bible reading gets boring, it’s time to mix things up.  Sometimes, I get online and find a new translation for under five dollars.  In other seasons, I’ve found journaling Bibles and read through with the goal of journaling in the margins after each daily reading.

There are two Bibles in the closet with prayers written in the margins of each page: one for my son and one for my daughter.  When they leave the house, I plan to give each of them a Bible with prayers for them filling every page.  Reading with the perspective of looking for blessings to pray over my children revitalized the way I read the Bible for a few years.

Other times, I find Bible reading plans to guide my daily reading. The Book of Common Prayer provides daily Scripture reading from the Old and New Testament.

4. Do something for someone else

When I desperately seek satisfaction for my soul, the best solution can be doing something to bless someone else.

Bake a batch of cookies for a lonely neighbor, write a note to a friend, send a message to someone you love just to tell them what they mean to you.

It is true that he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25).

5. Change the way you pray

Similar to changing the way I read the Bible, changing the way I pray helps me connect with God when my prayer time has grown dry and monotonous.  This might mean praying through a series of prayer steps systematically, such as stillness, worship, thanksgiving, confession, and petition.  Or it might mean making a colorful prayer poster with names of friends to pray for.

Prayer journaling can be refreshing – writing our prayers to God.  Creating gratitude lists, writing out names of God from Scripture, and listing attributes of God’s character can be filling ways to mix up our prayer lives.

Walking with God is about walking in relationship, and just as every earthly relationship is different, there is no formula for walking in relationship with Jesus.  The secret is to keep ourselves grounded in the truth of his Word, and then find a way that works.

5 Things Every Woman Needs to Know

Dear happy single women...

5 Things Every Woman Needs to Know

By Saviela E. Thorne
woman of god

You are a beautiful woman who has been carefully designed and handcrafted by God. You are valuable to Christ and the Kingdom of God, you are special and chosen by the very hands of God as stated in Deuteronomy 7:6 .

To my single sisters in Christ, Being a single woman is not punishment, but a time of preparation. This is your time to learn who you are, to create and strengthen your relationship with Christ and to prepare to be the wife God has called you to be.

Whether you’re single, married, or engaged; There are 5 things every woman needs to know:

1) You are Worthy:

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” – (Proverbs 31:10)

You are priceless. You hold great and precious treasures inside of you. You are not define by who people say you are but who God created you to be. You are set aside for God’s glory to be used by Him not by men. Hold your head up high. It doesn’t matter what happened in your past, after you give your life to Christ, you are a new creature,

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” – 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Your body is the most precious possession. It is a temple where Spirit of Christ dwells as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”

Treasure, protect and value your body. Keep your temple pure by avoiding fornication and any sexual acts against your body. Once you know your worth, you begin to respect yourself and other will too.

2) You are Beautiful:

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.” – Ecclesiastes 3:11 .

Don’t allow society to determine your beauty. You do not have to “make-up” the beautiful woman God has already created you to be. The Spirit of God will beautify you from the inside out with his holiness (Psalms 149:4). You do not have to dress a certain way to gain attention from men. Your inner strength and beauty will shine so bright that it will attract the right man to you.

Once you recognize your own beauty, the opinion others will not matter. You will stop searching for validation of men to tell you, you are beautiful because you already know inside.

Every morning when you wake up look yourself in the mirror and say “I am Beautiful” and believe it.

3) You are Unique:

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”- 1 Peter 2:9.

The word peculiar mean exclusive, unusual. God designed you just the way he wants you to be. You are uniquely designed so you stand out of others. Your uniqueness is your trademark it’s nothing to be ashamed of but honestly it’s what makes you, you. Embrace your differences.

If you ever take a look at a royal family they have certain things that the wear and do to stick out from the crowd because they are royalty. You are a chosen princess, a daughter of the most High King, Jesus Christ.

Your walk and talk should not be like everyone else’s because you were not created to be like anyone else.  You can’t stand out when you’re focused on blending in with the crowd. Walk in your purpose, walk with pride in Christ who made you special and unique for His glory.

4) You have Purpose:

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
Ecclesiastes 3:1.

God had you in mind before the creation of this universe (Ephesians 1:4). He knew exactly what your purpose was on this Earth before you were born.

For years, I personally struggled with my purpose and calling. I began to pray to God for him to reveal His will for my life. Piece by piece the Lord began revealing my purpose to me. He definitely knows me and knows that I’m a type of person that wants to know everything.

Often times the area you struggle with the most is your ministry. Why do I say this? Because how else will you be able to teach something to someone else that you have not experienced or been through yourself?

Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

What you are going through right now is not in vain but is working together for your good! Be strong and continue to seek God for His will and purpose for your life.

5) You are Blessed:

“The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it” – Proverbs 10:22.

God’s blessings are different from man’s blessings. When God blesses us we don’t have to work 8 jobs to keep it. His blessings aren’t always material but it’s good health, it’s favor because favor can take you places where money can’t (I’m a living witness of this).

God sees the whole picture of our life so he knows what it is going to take for his will for our lives to be accomplished. One thing we can rest assured on is that his thoughts toward us are “thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”- Jeremiah 29:11

God has everything worked out and under control all we have to do us trust him and be obedient to his word and the blessings will overflow in our lives (Malachi 3:10).

Victory is all over you. You are not defined by your current situation or what you have been through but who God had called you to be and that is blessed! You are a worthy, beautiful, unique, purposeful, blessed and highly favored woman of God. Now walk in your purpose and remember…

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)

6 Ways To Tell If He’s The One For You

6 Ways To Tell If He’s The One For You

is he the one

Many women have a long, detailed list full of the qualities they desire in a man, and sometimes this can backfire because there is no such thing as a “perfect” man.

There is however, a man who is perfect for you. The one God has selected for you.

When you look at your list of desired qualities, a few of them should jump out at you as non-negotiables. These are the things that you shouldn’t bend or compromise on.

Whatever your must haves are, if he’s the one, you won’t have to compromise your non-negotiables or ever feel like you’re settling.

Whatever it is that you desire, pray about it, and let God send you the one He has for you.

Single-Saved ladies, If you’re at a crossroad in your relationship and you’re not sure if he’s God sent, here are 6 Ways To Tell If He’s The One For You:

1 His Faith

He shares the same passion for Christ as you. You’re not unequally yoked. When it comes to your relationship, God is first. He respects your morals and values and doesn’t try to force or encourage you to stray away from them.

2. You trust him.

I’m not just talking about him being faithful to you. Although that is a huge part of the equation as well.

Trust goes well beyond cheating.

Do you trust him with your life?

Do you trust his judgement on important issues?

Are you comfortable sharing your goals and dreams with him, no matter how far fetched they may seem, and more importantly, do you trust that he’ll support you in any way that he can?

Are you open to his views and hopes for the future as well?

Think of trust like the foundation of the life you’re building together…if it’s shaky, everything else will be too .

3. He accepts you… Flaws and all

Are you able to be your authentic self 24/7 with him?

We’re talking bad days, good days, and yep, P.M.S. days.

He accepts you for who you are right now, not who you want to be and never tries to change you. He respects you and everything you stand for. Your past may not be a pretty one, but he encourages you to share your testimony. He doesn’t try to silence you. He’s not ashamed of you or your testimony.

We all have those sides to ourselves that we might not be too proud of, things we’d rather hide, and maybe even a slew of annoying habits, but you should never have to fake it in a relationship. You’ll know he is the one if he not only sticks around through it all, but falls in love with you even more in spite of it all.

4. He’s your best friend.

I hate to sound cheesy, but the best marriages are the ones where the couple would count their partner as not only a partner, but their best friend as well.

They don’t just love each other…they like each other. A lot.

This doesn’t mean that you ditch your girls and expect him to cancel his weekly basketball game in order to go shopping with you.

It simply means that he’s the first person you call when you need to talk something out or have big news to share.

Additionally, it means that you genuinely enjoy spending time together.

5. Communication is Key

Everything is not always peachy in your relationship, but the two of you know how to respectfully disagree with one another and nip it in the bud.

You can tell each other the truth in a loving manner and be heard. You may not always like it, but you respect it.

The both of you love each other enough to move beyond your disagreements in a mature manner and forgive quickly.

6. You can see yourself submitting to him

I’ve talked to a lot of women in my years of ministry and this subject is always a touchy one.

Even though the Bible is straight forward on this subject and makes it clear that we are to submit to our husbands, many women struggle in this area.

But I’ve noticed that one of the most common reasons why women of today have a problem with submitting to their husbands is “they don’t think their husbands are fit to lead”.

This is the main reason we are not to be unequally yoked before entering a marriage.

This is also the reason, we should marry someone we know we can trust. You’d be surprised how many women will enter into a marriage with a man they already know they don’t trust.

Don’t get married with the assumption that marriage will fix all of the problems that are already there in your relationship.

The problems you get comfortable dealing with in a dating relationship, will become the problems you get comfortable dealing with in your marriage.

3 Lessons Joseph Teaches Us About Walking In Our Purpose

3 Lessons Joseph Teaches Us About Walking In Our Purpose

By Erica Wyatt
Walking In Our Purpose

One of my most  favorite men in the Bible is Joseph.

I love Joseph because he demonstrated great faith in the midst of great trials and hardships on the road to his purpose. There is a lot that can be learned about the process of living out your purpose through Joseph’s story.

I want to share with you a few of those lessons which you can easily apply to your own life as you strive to live out your God-given purpose:

 1. Avoid sharing your vision with everyone.

One key thing that can be taken from Joseph’s story is the importance of safeguarding your purpose.

Even though you would like everyone to be happy for you, the truth is not everyone wants to see you succeed.  Many times if you are not careful, the enemy will use those closest to you to discourage you and distract you from what God has called you to do.

Seek Godly counsel to share your vision with so that you can receive encouragement and directions on how to move forward.

2. Keep your integrity in the midst of testing.

When God begins to open up doors for you to walk in your purpose, you will be tested.  The key to more favor and more open doors is to keep your integrity. There is nothing in this life worth more than your God-given purpose.

Joseph was tested by his master’s wife and more than anything he was concerned about doing something that was not pleasing to God.

You will be tested, but you must be determined to hold onto your integrity at all costs.

3. Don’t allow your situation to drown out your purpose.

I love Joseph so much because he was determined to shine no matter what the situation .

After his master’s wife lied on him, and he was thrown into prison, he kept walking in His purpose.

God called Joseph to be a ruler so no matter where he went, he carried the favor of God with him. He did not walk around with his head held low because that would have been contrary to God’s purpose for his life. He continued to let his gifts open doors for him, and that was eventually what set him free and propelled him into the fullness of His purpose.

When you make up your mind to not allow your circumstances to drown out your purpose, God will give you great success just like He did Joseph.

4 Things To Think About When You Feel Like Giving Up

4 Things To Think About When You Feel Like Giving Up
By Amae Guerrero
thinking woman

If your revelation hadn’t delighted me so, I would have given up when the hard times came. But I’ll never forget the advice you gave me; you saved my life with those wise words. (Psalm 119:92-93)

Two years ago, I Almost Gave Up…  if I hadn’t stumbled upon this verse.

Way back then, I was preoccupied with all of the priorities of my life, fearing that if I didn’t reach and focus on my set goals, I might fail or might not reach my desired success. I was too afraid to fail.  Fear was slowly choking my soul. AlI I wanted was to make everything go smoothly and according to my plan.

But looking back, I’m glad I conquered my giants amidst the tough and uncomfortable moments in my life.

However, I can’t help but think… what if I had given up two years ago?

Here’s what I learned when I Almost Gave Up :

1. Keep going

When life gets tough, just keep going no matter what. Hold on to His advice and hold on to His wise words (Psalm 119:3). Disappointments will always be present in our lives, as much as we would like to escape them. They are not intended for us to get anxious and discouraged but to have that boldness and say “Hey, I have a big God who is always in control.”

2. Remember God’s place in your life

When you’re on the verge of giving up, remember God’s place in your life.  Think about how you overcame your previous challenges and setbacks, how you came to know Him. Remember that from nothing He made you to be someone special. Don’t forget that God is always with you no matter how tough life is for you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

The enemy is after your life for he knows that you have the best future  and he doesn’t want you to experience that kind of abundance and peace from the Lord. (Jeremiah 29:11)

3. God will never give up on you

If you are on the verge of giving up, bear in mind that God will never give up on you. No matter how stubborn you are, God will continue to outpour His grace and unfailing love on you.

Isaiah 54:10 says: Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

4. You will surpass the this

God made you to be more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37) You are not a quitter. Remember that your test will soon become a wonderful testimony that can encourage thousands or even millions of people. All testing will leave us a boundless lesson that we can hold on to forever.

The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. (2 Peter 3:9a) So hang on to Him and keep your faith. Don’t forget that there’s a rainbow after the rain and a rain is always needed after a long dry season.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Trust His Heart

It's true at all...

Trust His Heart
by Babbie Mason | from the album All the Best

Verse 1
All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don't see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what's best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim and you just don't see Him, remember you're never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't know His plan
When you can't trace His hand trust his heart, trust his heart
He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you

Verse 2
He sees the master plan and
He holds our future in His hand
So don't live as those who have no hope
For our hope is found in Him
We see the presently clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry
He's weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him

Why We Need To Trust The Process In Our Singleness

Why We Need To Trust The Process In Our Singleness

Tatianah Green January 19, 2017 Being Single, Singleness Leave a comment 561 Views

How many of us consider ourselves to be role models?

I usually don’t think of myself that way until I’m reminded by people, from family to strangers via social media, that what I share in my writings are good enough for them to read — and I pray — learn from.

To be honest, there are some hard days for me.

There are days when I wonder why I’m one of the many who have to wait seemingly long amounts of time for what I want in life. From career to relationships, there are those moments when I just want everything to just be as God promised. Waiting and developing for the promise can be hard sometimes!

I found my circumstance somewhat in what the prophet Ezekiel had gone through.

In Ezekiel 24, God lets the prophet know that He is going to take away from Ezekiel the “delight of his eyes” — his wife. God instructed him: “Yet do not lament or weep or shed any tears … Keep your turban fastened and your sandals on your feet,” and additional commands.

Ezekiel did as he was told by the Lord. God was using Ezekiel as an example unto His people on what to do when God would take away the things that they considered the delights of their eyes, which were anything but God. At the end of the chapter it states: “You will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the Lord” (Ezekiel 24:27b).

I learned two things from this passage. First, in the midst of what would be an understandable time to be frustrated, sad and mourning, Ezekiel chose to be obedient to God, even after knowing his own wife would die. And second, God used the prophet to serve as a sign and message to His people that He is the Sovereign Lord.

God can use our experiences.

In those moments when we want to give up, feel at our loneliest or have waited a long time for God’s blessings to come, we should consider that there are people watching us all the time. There are people who will never say a word to you about what you’re doing, but they’re either rooting for you or hating you, depending on the person. Either way, when we are doing what we’ve been divinely instructed to do, we worship God and witness to all of God’s sovereignty and goodness.

It’s not being fake or putting up a front for people; it’s about being obedient to God. And as much as I want to be obedient, it’s challenging, because this is a race I have to run and endure. And I’m not the best runner!

You may be feeling the same way, getting a little weary or tired, wanting to throw hands up and quit. I was reminded immediately of a word I received from the Lord to tarry in this season and to keep holding on. I assure you that anything outside of God’s will is not worth it. There’s nothing I want out there that God’s hand isn’t over. Remind yourself of that and ask the Lord to keep you. Remember 2 Corinthians 12:9, that God’s grace is sufficient for you.

God desires obedience. 

His Word says that obedience is better than sacrifice. No amount of time spent in church or ministry can compare to your heart and actions saying yes to the Father’s way. We are living in a time in which everything even remotely Christian is being silenced and ridiculed. This is a time like no other to be steadfast and obedient in the Lord.

We as believers, especially the singles, can really utilize this waiting process to give God glory in respect of His sovereignty. It’s hard when you have those lonely moments, but trust that God is there waiting for your call, and spend time with Him. I encourage you to unload all those feelings off your shoulders and leave them at the altar. What you’re doing in this season may very well be what someone needs to see in order to keep the faith themselves.

We are part of a big, divine family and a body of Christ with the responsibilities of supporting one another and doing our part. We build each other up by enduring our process, and being obedient to God. You may never know every single person your testimony will touch; however, it’s worth it to see it to the end as we all press toward God’s plan.

You may never know if your journey has inspired someone else.

Senin, 23 Januari 2017

Mendaur ulang masa lalu

Hai2 mau sharing ni...
Tiap senin jm 8 mlm pas ga ada acr, aku dengerin radio..
Trus my fam liat TV, sinetron gitu..
Haha..jd telingaku cukup jeli, mendengarkan radio di antara keriuhan sinetron..😀😂
 Note ku..Siaran senin jm 8-9 mlm immanuel radio..disampaikan mb Mona..diinspirasi Holy Bible...
Roma 8:28...Kejadian 50...

Kmrn ttg mendaur ulang masa lalu..Caranya?
1. Tulis semua pengalaman. Siapa yg terlibat dlm hdp, peran apa, pengaruh mereka, pengaruhmu terhadap mereka.
2. Doa mohon kekuatan Tuhan spy bs menerima kenyataan
3. Bersyukur
4. Lihat keterlibatan Tuhan
Coba merangkai hidup n maksud Tuhan di balik duka.
7. Buat kesimpulan
Jalani hdp sekarang n rencanakan masa dpn.
Mungkin km hrs mengurusi hdp org2 tp Tuhan yg mengurusi hdpmu..

Bertumbuh n bermanfaat bg org lain scr maksimal.
Mengerti maksud Tuhan.
Belajar dr tiap proses.
Manfaat utk hadapi masa dpn dgn berani.
Membagikan pd org lain bgmn menanggapi masa lalu

Masa lalu tdk bs diulang.
Menyikapi masa lalu itu mempengaruhi masa dpn.
Belajar daur ulang masa lalu.

-Priskila's note-

Demi masa depan yg indah dan penuh harapan, mari kita mendaur ulang masa lalu..
Jgn lupa beli buku jualanku..
Mencinta hingga terluka or healing is a process..
God bless...

Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Passion 😀

Note Ella ttg passion..

Passion adalah: suatu dorongan, semangat yg menyala2...

Apakah passionmu masih tetap sama sejak dahulu hingga saat ini? Passion dapat di uji dengan waktu, krn d dlm waktu banyak hal yg terjadi dlm hidup kita yg bs mempengaruhi kita..

Passion harus di sertai tindakan...
Pastikan passion tetap ada sampai kapanpun.. Passion unt menyembah dan memuji Tuhan dengan berapi2 dan passion unt hidup menyenangkan Tuhan..

Menyembah Tuhan dlm roh dan kebenaran dalam keadaan apapun..
Salah satu panggilan orang percaya adalah melayani Tuhan..

Ciri orang yg mulai kendor dan tdk menyala2
1. Kehilangan fokus
Salomo d sebut bahwa tdk ad 1 orangpun yg hikmatnya spt salomo.. Tp salomo mulai kehilangan fokus pd Tuhan krn ia menikahi orang2 yg menyembah allah lain..

2. Kehilangan Prioritas
Ibr 10:24 --> saling memperhatikan  supaya kita saling mendorong dalam kasih dan dalam pekerjaan yg baik.
Belajar unt melayani bukan di layani.. seperti Kristus melayani bukan di layani 

3. Kehilangan gairah
Rm 12:11--> jangan sampai kerajinanmu kendor
Malas menghadiri pertemuan2 ibadah2..

4. Kehilangan disiplin
Ttg berdoa, ttg amanat agung..
Jangan sampai kebaikan Tuhan menjadi sst yg biasa...

5 hal bgmn membuat roh menyala2..
1. Ingat cinta mula2 kita..
Jangan suam2 kuku..
Jatuh cinta pd Tuhan it setiap hari..!
Spt abraham yg selalu membangun mezbah Tuhan setiap hr dimanapun dan dalam keadaan apapun..

2. Persembahkan hidup kita sbg hidup yg kudus roma 12:1-2
Ikut Tuhan jangan setengah2... Seperti yusuf yg tetap setia meski dalam keadaan di bawah dan dilupakan  sekalipun.. Yusuf tetap menjagai hidupnya..

3. Beri makan pada roh kita
Bukan hanya makanan fisik tp jg rohani.. sll penuhi pikiran kita dngn pikiran yg positif... maka hati kita akan menyala2 dan sertai dengan tindakan...
Yohanes 7:38-39 undang Roh Kudus dalam hidup kita --> aliran air hidup..
Tuhan sudah berikan Roh Kudus.. kl kita tdk mengaktifkannya it salah kita sndr...

4. Miliki kasih yg benar dan kasih yg tdk pura2
Kasih yg berhikmat..

5. Bergaullah dngn orang2 yg rohnya menyala2

Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

Tanda Cinta Paling Dalam Adalah Saat Kamu Mendoakannya Diam-Diam

Ini di wall izty, bagus si tp ga tau jg siapa yg didoain..
😂 hahah...

Tanda Cinta Paling Dalam Adalah Saat Kamu Mendoakannya Diam-Diam September 2014

 Nendra Rengganis

Cinta bisa diungkapkan dalam berbagai kata dan tindakan: mulai dari yang menyanjung, yang menempatkan yang dicintai sebagai idola, hingga pengorbanan dan waktu yang direlakan untuk memberikan pendampingan. Kuatnya energi cinta memang bisa membuat seseorang rela memberikan apa saja.

Namun, apakah cinta hanya bisa dibuktikan lewat perbuatan yang mampu tertangkap mata? Tidak adakah cara lain untuk menunjukkan cinta, tanpa harus menyentuh dan menaikkan suara? Dengan doa, misalnya?

1. Doa Adalah Bentuk Perpanjangan Tangan

Saat tak bisa terjangkau tangan, doa bisa menjangkaunya via

Tidak selamanya kita punya kesempatan dan kemampuan untuk mendampingi orang terkasih dalam berbagai tahap hidupnya. Sebagai manusia kita kerap terbatasi oleh kewajiban dan berbagai tanggung jawab yang menanti. Lalu, apa yang bisa diberikan pada orang tersayang saat pendampingan di sisi tidak mungkin dilakukan?

Saat kamu sedang exchange di luar negeri dan di saat bersamaan kekasihmu menghadapi sidang skripsi, misalnya. Selain dukungan lewat Skype dan berbagai media sosial lain, mengirimkan doa untuknya akan jadi pilihan yang paling masuk akal. Doamu adalah bentuk perpanjangan tangan dari dukungan yang ingin kamu berikan.

Saat yang terkasih tak terjangkau uluran lengan, doa akan selalu punya caranya sendiri untuk bisa tersampaikan. Menyebut namanya dalam doa yang kamu panjatkan setara dengan mengharapkan berbagai kebaikan datang padanya, dengan atau tanpa kehadiranmu di sisinya.

2. Doa Adalah Cara Termanis Untuk Menunjukkan Perhatian

Bentuk perhatian termanis via

Berbagai cara terhampar di depan mata untuk menunjukkan perhatianmu ke orang yang dicinta. Kamu bisa menghujaninya dengan stiker LINE lucu, mengiriminya bunga dan cokelat, hingga mendedikasikan waktu untuk mendampinginya kapan pun dibutuhkan.

Namun, apa yang lebih manis selain diam-diam membawa nama pasangan dalam doa yang kamu panjatkan? Tanpa diminta, kamu memohonkan tercapainya harapan-harapan yang dimilikinya. Mendukungnya dari balik kepala tanpa banyak suara.

Saat orang lain bilang, Semangat ya, kamu pasti bisa. maka bagimu doa adalah dukungan sunyi yang akan membantunya meraih hal yang selama ini ia idam-idamkan. Lagipula, adakah bentuk cinta tertinggi selain menyisipkan namanya dalam bisik mesra dengan Tuhan?

3. Mendoakan Orang yang Kamu Sayangi Adalah Bentuk Kasih Tanpa Pretensi

Kamu mencintainya tanpa pretensi via

Bukan cuma karir yang butuh integritas, mencintai seseorang pun membutuhkan tingkat integritas yang tinggi. Perlu diingat, cinta dibentuk dari sederet kata kerja yang membutuhkan usaha keras untuk mewujudkannya. Saat mencintai seseorang, kita akan belajar untuk terus memenuhi kebutuhan pasangan — yang tidak selamanya sejalan dengan hal yang kita inginkan.

Seperti kata Salim A Fillah dalam salah satu bukunya,

“…tapi disitulah tantangannya. Membuktikan ketulusan ditengah situasi yang sulit. Disitulah konsistensi teruji, tapi disitu juga integritas terbukti.”

Doa, adalah bentuk kasih sayang tertulus yang mungkin kamu berikan pada orang lain. Terlepas dari segala kesulitan dan kekesalan yang orang ini ciptakan, terus mendoakannya jadi bukti kalau kamu berharap bahwa hanya kebaikan yang datang dalam kehidupannya. Saat kamu tulus mencintai seseorang, kamu tak akan berat menyelipkan namanya dalam doa-doamu.

4. Dengan Mendoakannya, Secara Tidak Langsung Kamu Ingin Melibatkan Tuhan Dalam Hubungan Kalian

Kamu ingin melibatkan Tuhan dalam hubungan kalia via

Restu orang tua saja krusial untuk menentukan sukses atau tidaknya sebuah hubungan. Bagaimana dengan restu Tuhan, penentu segala hal yang terjadi di dunia ini? Bukankah sepatutnya restu-Nya lah yang pertama kali kita cari? Sayangnya, banyak dari kita masih kerap melupakan logika sederhana ini.

Mendoakan orang yang kamu kasihi adalah bentuk usahamu untuk melibatkan Pecinta Teragung dalam hubungan yang sedang dijalani. Mendoakan pasanganmu bisa diibaratkan sebagai proses curhat seorang anak kepada orang tuanya. Dari situ, sang orang tua akan tahu bagaimana watak dan kebiasaan pasangan lewat cerita yang dituturkan.

Lewat doa-doa yang kamu panjatkan, dengan nama pasanganmu terselip di dalamnya, Tuhan akan tahu apa yang kamu harapkan dari hubungan yang sedang kamu rajut benangnya. Ia pun akan bisa menentukan, apakah ikatan ini memang layak dilanjutkan dan akan membawa kebaikan.

5. Tidak Perlu Orang Lain Tahu Bahwa Ada Kamu Disitu

Tak perlu orang lain tahu keberadaanmu via

Bagi beberapa orang, pendampingan dan perhatian terhadap pasangan harus ditunjukkan. Hal ini sering jadi bukti kemesraan dan harmonisnya sebuah hubungan. Bahkan banyak pasangan dengan gamblang mengumbar kehangatan hubungan mereka di media sosial, yang kemudian kita kenal dengan public display affection (PDA).

Padahal, bentuk cinta paling dalam justru terjadi saat seseorang memutuskan untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik bagi pasangan tanpa harus mendapatkan kredit dari orang lain. Ia hanya akan fokus untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan pasangan, membahagiakan orang yang dikasihinya — bukan agar dibilang mesra atau bahagia. Namun, karena itulah hal yang sepatutnya dilakukan.

Mendoakan pasanganmu secara diam-diam menunjukkan keengganan untuk menonjolkan kebaikanmu di hadapan manusia lain. Cukup pasanganmu yang merasakan, cukup pada Tuhan kamu sampaikan beribu-ribu permohonan.

6. Mendoakan Diam-Diam Menunjukkan Kamu Tak Sedang Berhitung Dalam Hubungan

Doa diam-diam akan membuat kalian lebih bisa bertahan via

Secara tidak sadar, kita sering memperlakukan hubungan seperti sebuah pertandingan. Apa yang kita terima dari pasangan akan jadi patokan bagaimana kita bersikap balik kepadanya. Ibarat konflik, ada pola “tit for tat” yang tecetak dalam hubungan yang kini sedang dijalani bersama.

Bukankah cinta sepatutnya hanya fokus pada kerja memberi saja? Apa yang kita terima, jika hendak dimaknai, bukan lagi jadi kewajiban pasangan atau orang yang kita cintai. Tuhan dan semesta lah yang akan menentukan bagaimana balasan yang layak kita terima nanti. Kita hanya perlu terus bekerja keras dan mencurahkan segala yang kita miliki, sebaik mungkin.

Inilah kenapa mendoakan dalam diam bisa disebut sebagai bentuk cinta paling dalam. Saat kamu mendoakan seseorang, kamu akan mengesampingkan bagaimana perlakuannya selama ini padamu. Berapa banyak lubang kekecewaan yang telah ia bentuk di hatimu. Tanpa harus ia tahu, kamu akan melupakan kepahitan yang telah ia ciptakan. Sambil terus memohonkan agar yang datang ke hidupnya hanyalah kebaikan.

7. Doa Dalam Diam Memperlihatkan Bahwa Ia Tak Pernah Lepas Dari Ingatan

Menunjukkan bahwa kamu tidak pernah melupakannya via

Menaruh foto pasangan di dompet agar bisa terlihat sepanjang waktu, memasukkan tanggal bertemu atau pertama kali kencan ke kalender, berkirim kabar sepanjang hari — memang jadi cara untuk membuat pasangan selalu dekat di pikiran. Namun, mendoakan pasangan juga bisa jadi bukti nyata bahwa ia tak pernah lepas dari ingatan.

Ketika kamu menyisipkan namanya dalam doa-doa yang kamu panjatkan di tengah kesibukan, ini berarti kamu memaknai keberadaannya lebih dari sekedar pengisi waktu saja. Kamu mengingatnya sebagai makhluk yang layak untuk terus dibawa namanya dalam cakap paling intim dengan pencipta. Nah, mana yang lebih tidak mudah lupa: SMS-an setiap saat, atau mendoakan setiap ada kesempatan?

8. Doa Adalah Bentuk Ketulusan Tertinggi yang Bisa Kamu Berikan Pada Seseorang

Inilah bentuk ketulusan paling tinggi via

Sesempurna apapun pasanganmu, ia tetap punya kemampuan untuk menyakiti hatimu. Akan ada masanya kamu kecewa, merasa kehadirannya tidak dianggap, dan disia-siakan oleh pasangan. Cinta yang tidak tulus akan membuatmu mengutuki keadaan, menyalahkan pasangan, bahkan menyudutkannya.

Hanya perasaan tulus yang mampu membuatmu melupakan segala kepahitan yang telah ia ciptakan di hidupmu, sembari dengan ikhlas terus mendoakannya dan memohon pada Tuhan agar hanya kebaikan yang datang ke hidupnya.

9. Pasangan yang Saling Mendoakan Akan Lebih Kuat Bertahan

Berdoa bersama, bertahan bersama via

Ada pameo yang bilang bahwa:

“The couple who prays together, stay together”

Doa, seabsurd apapun konsep itu bagimu, akan jadi kekuatan saat hubunganmu dan pasangan dilanda masalah. Kekuatan besar di luar dirimu akan jadi pegangan yang bisa membuatmu tetap bertahan dalam hubungan yang sedang limbung kapalnya itu.

10. “Kita Bertemu Dalam Doa Dulu, Ya?”, Adalah Kata Termanis Saat Pertemuan Fisik Tak Mungkin Dilakukan

Kita bertemu dalam doa dulu, ya? via

Ditengah kesibukan yang menyita waktu dan tenaga, doa bisa jadi cara paling menentramkan hati untuk meredam rindu saat tak bisa bertemu pasangan. Terbiasa saling mendoakan diam-diam akan membuat kamu dan pasangan tidak lagi cemas ketika tak lagi bertemu fisik. Toh kamu dan pasangan masih bisa saling bertemu dalam doa, bukan?

Apakah kamu sudah mendoakan orang tersayangmu hari ini?

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

 4 Ways to Walk Boldly in Your God-Given Purpose

 4 Ways to Walk Boldly in Your God-Given Purpose

 Erica Wyatt

Is there something that you dream about, fantasize about, and keep reaching out for in your life?  Do you battle with an inward tug-of-war that refuses to leave you alone and demands you to long for more in spite of the many challenges you face in life?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then like me, you have been called by God to live a life of meaning, significance and purpose.

It is my belief that we all have been created for purpose, and it is not until we realize, embrace and walk in our God-given purpose that we can begin to live the life of fulfillment and enrichment that we so earnestly desire.

When you awaken to the reality that God has created you for a life of “more”, the challenge becomes how to walk in this truth in spite of the everyday challenges that you will surely face in life.

How do you continue to strive to live your life of purpose in the midst of financial hardship, relationship challenges, parenting struggles, emotional roller coasters and any of the myriad of other hardships that you may face on your Christian journey?

Pressing through your challenges to live the purpose filled life that God has destined for you is vital to not only your life, but the lives of all those who are connected to the amazing gift that God has placed on the inside of you.

So how do you show up to answer the call of purpose on your life every single day?  I want to share you with some truths that I have discovered on my personal journey towards walking boldly and powerfully in my God-given purpose.

1. Live Authentically. 

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Genesis 1:26)

One of the greatest challenges to living out the call of purpose on your life is just being “you.”  We are inundated with the opinions of others through so many different channels (i.e. TV, magazines, books, social media, etc.) that it can become very difficult to press through the noise and discover our true self.

God has created you to be uniquely you, and it is your ability to live that out authentically and genuinely that will transform your life and the lives of others. You have been created in the image and likeness of God  so the key to authentic living is staying connected to your Creator so that He can constantly remind you who He created you to be.

2. Stay Focused. 

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

If you are anything like me, you have all sorts of responsibilities pulling you in multiple directions every single day.  If you are going to show up and answer the call of purpose on your life, you must stay focused.  As tempting as it may be, you have to refuse to engage in things that do not speak directly to your God-given purpose.

Remember, your favor, peace and prosperity are wrapped up in the fulfillment of your purpose. Being busy does not equate to living out purpose.

The key to overcoming the desire to want to be all things to all people is consulting with the author and finisher of your faith  before you commit yourself to anything.

3. Value God’s Approval Over Others.

We are social creatures by nature so we thrive off of relationships; relationships with family, friends and loved ones.  Whether we like to admit it or not, we seek the approval and recognition of others.

There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to be valued and appreciated by those that you love.  The problem creeps in when we place more value on the opinions of others than we do on the approval of God. Our ultimate goal should always be to please God above all else.

If we strive to please God in all that we do then we will always choose our purpose over what other people desire for our life when the going gets tough.

4. Fight for Your Purpose. 

Living out your purpose in spite of the many challenges you face in life is a daily fight.  You have to be willing to battle with both the internal and external opposition that you will face as you strive to live the life that God has destined for you.  No matter how hard things get in your life, refuse to ever give up!

When things get difficult for me, I recite to myself Philippians 4:13 which says…

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

I truly believe that, and it gives me the strength to continue to press forward in spite of my setbacks and challenges.

Be determined to fight for your purpose, and God will give you the grace to keep moving forward.

3 Things To Do When You Aren’t Sure Which Direction To Go

3 Things To Do When You Aren’t Sure Which Direction To Go

 Rochelle Inglis


Are you at a really frustrating place in your life?

You want to move forward but you aren’t sure which direction to go?

Yesterday you wanted to start a business and today you want to be in a leadership position in the corporate world. Three months ago you dreamed of building a home for teens and two weeks later you were thinking about starting an accounting firm.

You get the point; you can’t decide what to do. You’ve been going back and forth like this for years. The frustration builds and you don’t know what to do with your life.

When you’re not doing what God has put in your heart to do, you will always feel a sense of emptiness. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) so whenever there is confusion, it’s a sure sign that it’s time to pause and get God’s input on the situation.

God loves you and His will for your life is always good. A lack of peace and double-mindedness concerning what to do with your life is a sure indication that you are heading in a wrong direction. God is always trying to get you on the path He has for you and He is eager to share His plans with you.

For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares theLord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

God desires for you to seek Him regarding His plan for your life. Staying in the land of confusion eventually leads to doubt, which leads to resignation and fear of stepping out and trying something different.

Here’s what to do to get on God’s path for your life:

Ask for wisdom.

In James 1:5-8 it says that if you need wisdom to ask God for wisdom, but ask in faith, and He’ll give you the wisdom you’re asking for. The key word here is to ask in faith. That means when you ask, know that God will give you an answer. When that answer comes, receive it, no second-guessing what you hear.

Write it down.

Much of the confusion that you feel regarding what to do with your life can be eliminated by writing down what God tells you to do. When doubt starts to creep in, refer to what you wrote and get back on God’s path for your life.

Do something.

Why ask for wisdom if you’re not going to take action? James 1:22 instructs us to be a doer, not just a hearer of the word. You won’t have clarity and peace about what to do in your life if you don’t act on the direction that He has given to you. God gives additional direction when you take action. You’re probably thinking, “But what God wants me to do is so ambitious, I don’t know which action to take.” Go back and read #1.

There’s no need to stay unsure about the direction to take in your life. God has a good plan for your life that He wants to share with you.

Ask Him which direction you should go, trust the response that He gives you, and take action right away. You won’t regret it.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

Hardcore truth about marriage (from cc pina)

Pidato Michele Obama ini,  mungkin perlu juga untuk kita renungkan.

A post by Michelle Obama. Every couple should read....

Sebuah post dari Michelle Obama, yg baik utk dibaca setiap pasangan.

1. There is nothing that threatens the security of a wife than the thought of another woman competing for the attention and affection of her husband. Nothing is more painful. Nothing is more disrespecting. Nothing is more insulting. Nothing is more belittling and degrading.

Tidak ada yg lebih menakutkan seorang istri dari pemikiran adanya wanita lain yg bersaing utk perhatian dan kasih sayang dari sang suami. Tak ada yg lebih menyakitkan, tidak menghargai, memalukan, mengecilkan hati dan merendahkan daripada itu.

2. Marriage flourishes when the couple works together as a team; when both husband and wife decide that winning together is more important than keeping score.
Good marriages don't just happen. They are a product of hard work.

Rumah tangga berkembang dg baik bila pasangan bekerja sama. Ketika suami istti memutuskan bahwa kemenangan bersama lebih penting dari saling mengalahkan. Rumah tangga yg baik tidak terjadi begitu saja, tapi adalah hasil dari kerja keras.

3. Your children are watching you and forming lasting opinions on love, commitment, and marriage based on what they see in you. Give them hope. Make them look forward to marriage.

Anak2mu mengamatimu dan membentuk pandangan ttg cinta kasih, tanggungjawab dan pernikahan, dari apa yg mereka lihat. Beri mrk harapan. Tunjukkan bahwa pernikahan dan rumah tangga adalah sesuatu yg hrs dinantinantikan.

4. Husbands: The reason why other women look attractive is because someone is taking good care of them. Grass is always green where it is watered. Instead of drooling over the green grass on the other side of the fence, work on yours and water it regularly. Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make his woman admirable and beautiful.

Bagi suami; wanita lain tampak menarik krn ada yg nerawat mrk. Sesuatu yg dirawat itu pasti indah. Drpd ngiler lihat yg lain, rawatlah apa yg kau punya. Semua lelaki bisa mengagumi wanita lain, tapi hanya lelaki sejati yg bisa membuat istri (merasa) cantik dan dikagumi.

5. When a husband puts his wife first above everyone and everything except God, it gives his wife the sense of security and honor that every wife hungers for.

Bila suami mendahulukan istri diatas apapun (kecuali Tuhan), itu memberi istri perasaan aman dan dihargai, yg sangat didambakan setiap istri.

6. A successful marriage doesn't require a big house, a perfect spouse, a million dollars or an expensive car. You can have all the above and still have a miserable marriage. A successful marriage requires honesty, undying commitment and selfless love at the center of it all.

Rumah tangga yg baik tidak memerlukan rumah bagus, pasangan yg sempurna, mobil mewah dan harta berlimpah. Org bisa saja punya semua itu tapi tetap tidak bahagia. Yg utama adalah kejujuran, tanggung jawab utk bersama selamanya dan kasih sayang yg tdk mengutamakan diri sendiri.

7. Pray for your spouse every day; in the morning, in the afternoon and at evening. Don’t wait until there is a problem. Don’t wait until there is an affair. Don’t wait until something bad happens. Don’t wait until your spouse is tempted. Shield your spouse with prayer and cover your marriage with the fence of prayer.

Doakan pasanganmu setiap saat, pagi siang dan malam hari. Jangan tunggu sampai ada masalah, ada perselingkuhan, dan ada sesuatu buruk terjadi. Lindungi pasanganmu dan rumah tanggamu dg doa.

8. The people you surround yourself with have a lot of influence on your marriage. Friends can build or break your marriage; choose them wisely.

Org2 di sekelilingmu punya peranan penting dlm rumah tanggamu. Seorang teman bisa membangun atau menghancurkannya, pilihlah teman dg bijaksana.

9. One spouse cannot build a marriage alone when the other spouse is committed to destroying it. Marriage works when both husband and wife work together as a team to build their marriage.

Rumah tangga yg baik tidak bisa dibangun oleh suami atau istri saja, dimana pasangannya berusaha menghancurkannya. Suami dan istri hrs bekerja sama membangun pernikahan yg baik.

10. Don't take your spouse for granted. Don't take advantage of your spouse's meekness and goodness. Don't mistake your spouse's loyalty for desperation. Don't misuse or abuse your spouse's trust. You may end up regretting after losing someone that meant so much to you.

Jangan pernah mengabaikan pasanganmu dan memanfaatkan kebaikannya. Kesetiaan pasanganmu jangan diartikan keputus asaan. Jangan menyalahgunakan kepercayaan pasangan, krn akan berakibat penyesalan setelah kehilangan seseorang yg sangat berarti bagimu.

11. Beware of marital advice from single people. Regardless of how sincere their advice may sound, most of it is theoretical and not derived from real life experiences. If you really need Godly advice, seek it from God-fearing, impartial and prayerful mature couples whose resolve has been tested by time and shaped by trials.

Waspada lah dg nasihat pernikahan dari seseorang yg masih single. Setulus apapun itu hanya berdasarkan teori dan bukan pengalaman hidup. Kalau perlu nasihat, carilah dari pasangan yg matang, yang telah membangun rumah tangganya dg penuh doa dan ketawaan pada Tuhan, yg telah teruji oleh waktu dan berbagai cobaan.

12. Dear couple, Don't underestimate the power of the tongue on your marriage. The tongue has the power to crush your marriage or build it up. Don't let the Devil use your tongue to kill your spouse's image, self-confidence and aspirations.
Use your tongue to build up your marriage and bless and praise your spouse.

Bagi suami dan istri; jangan meremehkan peranan lidah dlm rumah tangga. Apa yg kau katakan bisa menghancurkannya atau membangunnya. Jangan gunakan lidahmu utk menghancurkan image (gambaran), kepercayaan diri, dan aspirasi (keinginan) dari pasangan. Gunakanlah utk membangun rumah tanggamu, utk memuji dan merahmati pasanganmu.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Rencana Tuhan di Balik Retaknya Keluargaku (warungsatekamu)

Rencana Tuhan di Balik Retaknya Keluargaku

Ini kesaksian keren...

Oleh Felicia

Aku dan adikku lahir di tengah keluarga yang dulunya lengkap: ada papa, mama, aku, dan adik laki-lakiku. Saat aku kelas 1 SD dan adikku masih berumur 3 tahun, kami sudah sering mendengar mama dan papa bertengkar setiap hari. Mereka berteriak, saling memaki, dan tenggalam dalam tangisan. Terkadang aku menangis saat mendengarkan semua teriakan itu, adikku yang masih kecil malah menangis lebih keras lagi.

Aku dan adikku bersekolah di sekolah Kristen, di mana gedung sekolah kami bergabung dengan gedung gereja, sehingga aku tahu tentang Sekolah Minggu yang diadakan di sana. Aku sebenarnya ingin sekali pergi ke Sekolah Minggu bersama teman-temanku. Namun, karena mama dan papa bukan orang percaya, aku tahu mereka tidak akan mau mengantarkanku ke gereja. Tapi aku terus berdoa setiap hari Minggu pagi agar Tuhan menggerakkan mama dan papa. Bukan doa yang ribet, hanya doa singkat seperti, “Tuhan, aku mau Sekolah Minggu. Tolong, Tuhan, supaya mama dan papa mau membawaku ke gereja.”

Doaku lalu dijawab oleh Tuhan ketika mama akhirnya membawa papa dan aku ke gereja, karena mama ingin mencoba segala sesuatu agar papa dapat berubah menjadi lebih baik. Membawa papa ke gereja adalah salah satu yang mama lakukan. Aku tidak mungkin ditinggalkan di rumah, makanya, aku juga ikut dibawa ke gereja. Bagiku yang waktu itu masih kecil, ini merupakan kesempatan yang aku tunggu-tunggu, yaitu ikut Sekolah Minggu.

Sejalan dengan waktu, mama dan papa memutuskan untuk berpisah saat aku kelas 3 SD dan adikku masih duduk di kelas TK-B. Untuk adikku yang masih kecil, masalah terbesarnya adalah tumbuh besar tanpa dampingan seorang ayah. Aku pun mengalami hal yang sama. Namun, karena aku sewaktu itu sudah lebih memahami situasi, aku pun mengalami trauma dan dilema yang cukup besar.

Semuanya terjadi begitu saja. Nilaiku mulai merosot, aku mulai malas belajar, teman-teman dan guru-guru bilang aku jadi muram. Seringkali aku menemukan diriku menangis sendiri tanpa sebab, terutama ketika orang-orang di sekelilingku menanyakan tentang papaku. Aku juga menjadi takut berteman dan lebih suka sendiri. Aku merasa tidak bisa dekat dengan seseorang karena aku takut disakiti dalam sebuah relasi.

Waktu pun terus berjalan. Dari saat aku kelas 3 SD dan dibawa ke Sekolah Minggu, aku tidak pernah lagi lepas dari semua kegiatan gereja. Awalnya hanya untuk mengisi kekosongan hati, hingga akhirnya aku menemukan Tuhan. Hal itu dimulai oleh seorang guru agama yang datang ke sekolahku dan mengajariku sejak aku SMP. Dialah yang membawaku ke dalam dunia pelayanan. Di tengah kekosonganku akan rasa kasih sayang, guru agamaku itu benar-benar memperhatikan dan mengenalkanku kepada kasih Kristus. Berangsur-angsur, setelah melewati proses yang panjang, aku jadi benar-benar ingin mengenal Kristus, dan tanpa sadar aku jadi suka sekali berdoa. Aku pun belajar mengadalkan Kristus dalam keseharianku dan belajar untuk mulai terbuka kepada orang-orang terdekatku. Aku akhirnya menyadari, hal pertama yang harus kulakukan untuk dapat menjadi pribadi yang lebih terbuka adalah dengan membuka diriku kepada Tuhan.

Hari ini, saat aku melihat lagi ke belakang, aku melihat seorang anak yang sejak kecil mendengarkan pertengkaran di antara orang tuanya. Aku melihat seorang anak yang tumbuh besar tanpa sosok seorang ayah. Aku melihat seorang anak yang dulunya ingin ke Sekolah Minggu karena teman. Aku melihat anak yang aktif dalam pelayanan hanya karena membutuhkan pelampiasan. Aku pun melihat seorang anak yang akhirnya bertemu dengan Yesus, menerima-Nya sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat, menjadi sahabat-Nya, dan hidup di dalam Dia.

Aku dan adikku masih beranjak dewasa tanpa bimbingan seorang ayah, tapi kami merasakan Tuhan begitu memberkati kehidupan kami. Orang tuaku memang masih belum percaya kepada Tuhan, namun aku dan adikku masih terus mendoakan mereka. Kami melihat Tuhan mulai melembutkan hati mereka dengan mengizinkan kami melayani Tuhan, padahal sebelumnya mereka tidak memperbolehkan kami melayani. Kami sekarang melayani bersama di sebuah gereja kecil di kota Medan. Kami juga sudah mulai aktif menjadi guru Sekolah Minggu.

Bukankah ajaib bagaimana Tuhan membimbing kehidupan kami? Sekarang setelah kukenang segalanya kembali, aku mulai berpikir, jikalau saja keadaan keluargaku dulu masih baik-baik saja, kalau saja mama dan papa tidak bertengkar, mungkin kami masih belum menemukan Tuhan hingga hari ini. Mungkin kami akan berlari-lari di tempat-tempat ibadah lain di kota kami, tidak mengenal Kristus.

Sekarang kami mengerti mengapa Tuhan menempatkan kami di lingkungan seperti ini dan kami yakin Tuhan pasti punya rencana yang indah untuk kami.

Bagi siapa pun yang membaca tulisan ini, bagaimana pun beratnya masa lalumu, atau sekelam apa pun keluargamu, ingatlah bahwa Tuhan punya rencana untuk hidupmu dan Dia bekerja dengan cara yang mungkin tidak kamu mengerti. Tapi satu yang pasti, Tuhan akan membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktu-Nya.

“Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya, bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka. Tetapi manusia tidak dapat menyelami pekerjaan yang dilakukan Allah dari awal sampai akhir.” (Pengkhotbah 3:11)

Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

Andalkan Tuhan, jangan berharap pada manusia!

2016 itu Tuhan sering bicara ttg be strong n courageous.
Selain itu jg sering ttg mengandalkan Tuhan, jgn berharap pd mns. .
Firman CG kmrn jg bhs ini lg... Yeremia 17:5-8..
Mengandalkan manusia itu pasti kecewa krn tdk ada mns yg sempurna.
Hati berubah-ubah. Jgn mengikuti hati.
Andalkan Tuhan maka ada pemulihan dan bimbingan Nya.
Tuhan menitipkan talenta yg hrs dikembangkan. Gali potensi n andalkan Tuhan. Berkembang sesuai visi.
Hak 16:20 Simson dr awal suka pd wanita yg tdk sesuai kehendak Tuhan. 2 kor 12:9 Paulus ingat smua karunia Tuhan itu cukup.
Jika mengandalkan diri sendiri n tdk bergantung pd Tuhan, pasti rapuh krn mudah kecewa, pahit+tawar hati n terluka
Sadrakh, Mesakh, Abednego dimasukkan dlm dapur api tp tetap beriman n andalkan Tuhan. Tuhan selamatkan shg mereka jd berkat n byk org memuliakan Tuhan.
Andalkan Tuhan itu diberkati n org sekeliling diberkati. Berkat itu bukan cm soal materi tp juga kedamaian relasi, semangat n sukacita lalu org2 makin dekat pd Tuhan.
Ciri2 org yg mengandalkan Tuhan:
Kej 12:8 - Kej 15
1. Haus n lapar akan Tuhan
2. Percaya n beriman pd Tuhan = krn mengenal Tuhan scr pribadi
Bangun persek pribadi dgn Tuhan tiap hr..
3. Melibatkan Tuhan dlm panggilan hidup
4. Mengerti kesukaan hati Tuhan
Hati Tuhan adl jiwa2, doakan org lain bukan cm diri sendiri khususnya keselamatan mereka.
Berubahlah ke arah yg lbh baik drpd kita thn lalu. Terus ubah org2 ke arah positif juga.
Hehe..ini mirip resolusiku yg kedua...😃😄
#ayat #ayatfirmanTuhan #CG

Kamis, 12 Januari 2017

6 Langkah Menjadi Kristen Lajang yang Bersukacita


 Thu December 29th, 2016


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budhianto marpaungOfficial Writer


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Anda tetap dapat bersukacita tanpa harus bergantung kepada orang yang Anda anggap spesial di dalam kehidupan Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu para lajang Kristen tidak hanya menikmati hidup, tetapi membawa Anda hidup dalam kemaksimalan seperti yang Tuhan rencanakan.

1. Terkoneksilah dengan Tuhan

Kebangunan rohani adalah bisnis urutan pertama untuk semua lajang. Tahun-tahun melajang - apakah itu pendek atau panjang - bisa menjadi waktu untuk terhubung secara mendalam dengan Tuhan. Seperti yang rasul Paulus katakan, itu adalah waktu di mana Anda dapat memberikan "pengabdian yang tidak terbagi kepada Tuhan" (1 Korintus 7:35). Oleh karena itu, baktikan diri untuk mengenal Tuhan dengan membaca, mempelajari, dan menyembah-Nya.

2. Terkoneksilah dengan Teman-Teman

Menjadi lajang bukan berarti sendirian. Ibrani 10:24-25 berbunyi, "Dan marilah kita saling memperhatikan supaya kita saling mendorong dalam kasih dan dalam pekerjaan baik. Janganlah kita menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan-pertemuan ibadah kita, seperti dibiasakan oleh beberapa orang, tetapi marilah kita saling menasihati, dan semakin giat melakukannya menjelang hari Tuhan yang mendekat." Ketika Anda menjadi seorang Kristen dengan percaya di dalam Kristus, Anda menjadi bagian dari keluarga Allah juga. Dan dalam keluarga ini Anda dipanggil untuk mendukung dan didukung.

3. Berkomitmen Untuk Hidup Murni

Supaya dapat hidup dengan penuh sukacita, Anda harus mengomitmenkan tubuh dan pikiran kepada Tuhan. Ini bukan tugas yang mudah dalam budaya kita. Majalah, televisi, baliho, "teman-teman," dan kadang-kadang bahkan anggota keluarga akan mendorong apa yang tampaknya alami bagi dunia: pergaulan bebas, pornografi, nafsu, dan perselingkuhan. Namun, Tuhan sangat mengasihi Anda dan Ia tidak ingin Anda mengambil jalan yang menyebabkan kesakitan dan kehilangan martabat. Anda pasti akan menemukan kesulitan, tetapi seorang lajang pasti dapat memikul salib ini dengan kehormatan dan harga diri.

4. Hiduplah dengan Kegairahan dan Tujuan

Apa yang Anda sukai? Apa yang menggerakkan Anda? Apa minat Anda? Apa yang Anda tunggu? Anda perlu untuk mewujudkan apa Anda sukai. Fotografi, teologi, menulis, musik, bahasa, bangunan, memasak, tari, obat-obatan, olahraga ... apa pun yang membuat Anda terfokus sampai larut malam atau bersemangat adalah penting untuk dikenali dan dikejar.

5. Melayani

Gairah Anda harus mendorong Anda untuk melayani dalam beberapa cara. Ketika gairah mendorong Anda kepada pelayanan, Anda akan menemukan tujuan besar dalam hidup. Apakah Anda menikmati olahraga? Mungkin Anda bisa menjadi sukarelawan dalam program Big Brother atau Sister. Apakah Anda bisa memasak? Tanyakan pendeta Anda tentang kebutuhan di gereja Anda ... mungkin Anda bisa membuat makanan untuk keluarga yang baru saja dikaruniakan seorang bayi atau seseorang yang memiliki anggota keluarga sedang dirawat di rumah sakit. Tuhan memberikan kita masing-masing bakat unik dan gairah untuk tujuan memuliakan-Nya.

6. Olahragakan Pikiran dan Tubuh

Ada sukacita besar dalam mendedikasikan pikiran kita untuk mempelajari firman Allah, tapi ada juga sukacita dalam menyembah-Nya dengan tubuh kita. Berolahraga adalah suatu disiplin ketat yang memberikan Anda energi yang dibutuhkan untuk mempelajari dan melayani Tuhan.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Ketika Tahun Baru Diawali dengan Tragedi

Oleh Aryanto Wijaya

Kita tentu berharap segala hal yang baik akan terjadi sepanjang tahun, tetapi benarkah kenyataannya pasti begitu?

Di minggu pertama tahun 2017, aku bertemu dengan sahabatku dan kami bercerita tentang resolusi masing-masing di tahun ini. Sahabatku itu baru beberapa bulan bekerja di sebuah kantor akuntan. Ia merasa lelah dengan pekerjaannya dan mencetuskan sebuah komentar, “Hmmm, entah deh tahun ini bakal seperti apa.” Sekalipun kami telah menyusun resolusi sebagai harapan di tahun baru, tetapi kami tetap tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi di depan.

Setelah pertemuan itu, kami pun berpisah dan kembali ke rumah masing-masing. Keesokan harinya, di tengah malam, betapa kagetnya aku mendapati ponselku dikirimi pesan singkat dari sahabatku yang berisi, “Aku baru saja dijambret, tas dan semua isinya hilang.” Setelah dia mendapatkan pinjaman ponsel, dia menghubungiku dan menceritakan kejadiannya secara rinci.

Ada nada sedih dan kecewa dalam ucapan sahabatku itu. Dia tidak pernah menyangka jika awal tahun ini harus dibuka dengan sebuah tragedi kehilangan. Dia tentu tidak ingin mengalami kejadian ini, sekalipun dia telah menjaga dengan baik barang berharganya, tetapi pada akhirnya dia menjadi korban kejahatan.

Aku termenung dan turut berempati atas musibah yang baru saja dialami oleh sahabatku itu. Dalam hati aku berdoa agar Tuhan menguatkan dirinya dan supaya ia mampu mengampuni orang yang telah mencuri barangnya.

Kehilangan yang dialami oleh temanku mungkin hanyalah sebuah kehilangan benda fisik yang tidak seberapa nilainya dan bisa dicari kembali. Tapi, mungkin ada beberapa dari kita yang di awal tahun ini harus mengalami tragedi, entah itu divonis penyakit, kehilangan orang terkasih, kehilangan pekerjaan, ataupun harapan-harapan lain yang tak kunjung jadi kenyataan.

Mengalami musibah atau tragedi memang menyakitkan dan seolah mencabut kedamaian kita. Ketika awal tahun diawali dengan sebuah tragedi, akan mudah bagi kita untuk menjadi kecewa dan takut sepanjang hari-hari yang tersisa. Terkadang kita mungkin berpikir jika di awal saja sudah terjadi hal buruk, lantas bagaimana dengan hari-hari di depan nanti?

Sebagai orang Kristen, sekalipun kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi di depan kita, satu yang pasti kita tahu adalah siapa yang menuntun langkah kita, Dialah Yesus. Firman Tuhan menyatakan kalau Tuhan tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita (Ibrani 13:5). Mungkin hari-hari kita tidak selalu cerah, terkadang juga ada mendung yang menutupi, tetapi ibarat matahari yang tetap bersinar sekalipun di balik mendung, demikian jugalah Tuhan yang selalu menyertai kita dalam segala keadaan.

Mazmur Daud menggambarkan bahwa penyertaan Tuhan itu seperti tuntunan seorang gembala yang membawa domba-dombanya ke padang yang berumput hijau dan air yang tenang (Mazmur 23). Satu tragedi di awal tahun bukan berarti seluruh hari sepanjang tahun akan terasa suram. Kita percaya kalau segala sesuatu terjadi untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi orang-orang yang mengasihi Allah (Roma 8:28).

Jadi, di tahun yang masih baru ini, maukah kita mempercayai Tuhan dan segala janji-Nya? Sebab ada tertulis rancangan Tuhan adalah rancangan damai sejahtera (Yeremia 29:11).

Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

Proses mjd berkat Tuhan

Hikmat dr kebaktian...
Proses mjd berkat Tuhan itu panjang..
Ada 3 ciri kita ada di track yg tepat:
1. Kesunyian
Saat kita dirundung berbagai mslh n merasa Tuhan diam saja n tdk menjwb doa, di saat itulah kita ada dlm jalur yg benar. Ini firman ibdh hr Mgu+Sabtu= zaman dulu bgs Israel percaya Allah ada dlm keheningan. Makin hening, hadirat Tuhan makin besar. Pd wkt semua terasa biasa2 saja n tdk ada yg spesial, kita ada dlm genggaman Tuhan dan sgt dekat dn Sang Khalik. Allah selalu beserta kita di mn pun dan Dia bekerja utk mendatangkan kebaikan bg kita. Roma 8:28.

2. Ketaatan
Dalam hidup yg tak menentu ini, ketaatan sgt penting. Taat meski kita tdk tahu akan Tuhan bawa ke mana hdp ini. Spt iman Abraham.  Tuhan yg pegang hari esok, aman bersama Dia. Yes 55:8.

3. Perlawanan
Seringkali ada byk perlawanan dan ejekan dr orang2. Jangan peduli. Lebih baik taat sendirian berjln dlm kebenaran n rencana Tuhan drpd mengikuti byk org ke arah yg salah.

Semoga memberkati...
Catatan ibadahku hr Sabtu+Mgu...

Senin, 09 Januari 2017

When God Doesn’t Approve of The Person You’re Dating

Sometimes we pray for answers we are not fully prepared for. Trusting God’s will means trusting that He knows what’s best for us even if it means we have to part ways with people we are not quite ready to part ways with.
Sometimes we feel it in our spirit that someone is not a good mate for us, but for some reason we allow ourselves to stay in an unfulfilling relationship.
Some of us ask God to show us a sign whether something or someone is good or bad for us. The funny part is, God may have given us plenty of signs , before we even prayed that prayer.
Whether the signs are there or not, there’s only one way to know for sure, and that’s prayer.
If you’re praying for God’s will, eventually their true colors will show. But you can’t pray for God to reveal these things to you and then disregard them when He shows you this person is not the one for you.
One of my relationships, I REALLY wanted to work! So when we began to have our share of problems, I began to pray. I asked God to show me whether or not this person was the one for me. If not, I prayed that He would remove him from my life. Well, it didn’t take long for God to show me at all. A day after praying that prayer, my ex told me that he felt we should call it quits. Not quite the answer I was expecting from God. But His will is always best. Too bad I didn’t believe that at that time. About two weeks later, my ex called me and said he realized he had made a mistake letting me go. In spite of everything I had discussed with God, this was still music to my ears. We talked about how we were going to make our relationship better this time. It truly felt like we were going to be alright this time. We had a plan this time and for the first time in a long time, we were actually communicating with each other, listening to each other. I even began to wonder if I had misunderstood what God was trying to tell me about our relationship.
Nevertheless, our relationship got to a point where we were breaking up every other month. This went on for about two years. Every night I would pray that our relationship would take a turn for the better. Until finally I prayed a different prayer. This time I asked God to forgive me for going against His better judgement, for being so disobedient, and for not trusting Him with my heart. You see, all of my headaches, heartaches, and tears could have been avoided IF I was fully prepared for what I was praying for.
What is it that you want God to reveal? Are you going to trust Him even if the answer is not the one you want? I pray that you will.

When Enough Is Enough

When Enough Is Enough

Why hold on to something or someone you know you have to let go of?
I traveled to my hometown of New Orleans a few days ago and I made a stop at that the French Market just to take a stroll and check out the vendors.
I passed several vendors within the market, but there was one vendor that I passed who happened to stand out the most. I did not have any intentions of stopping at his table, but something prompted me to stop and talk to him.
This particular vendor was a poet and a man of God. He recited a few of his well-known poems, each recited poem was filled with a forceful message from God. I knew God was sending me a message through him, and I received the message loud and clear.
The message God wanted me to hear was wait for the man and not just any man. You see this man was delivering a message to me when I needed it the most, I had been trying to cover up disappointments and hurts.
(Psalm 73:26) “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”.
So I fell for it again, knowing that I am vulnerable for this man.
After being disappointed by him so many times, I forgive him in hopes that he won’t disappoint me again. He’s not perfect by far, but my heart is open to him in hopes of him seeing me the way I see him. So I stay in the friend zone even throughout all the disappointments. He’s everything I thought I desired. He’s a flawed Christian that knows God, he’s smart, handsome and he’s a charmer. This particular man and I have been doing this off and on friendship/dating thing for several years.
Why do you allow this Yatta? Is a question most of you guy’s reading this is asking? First because he was my friend first and we supported each other’s goals. He knows my heart and what I desire, and most of all he knows I am emotionally vested in him.
A man only does what a woman allows him to do. As I stated before I do fall short of God’s glory, my best judgment is clouded when it comes to him. Over the years I grew a genuine love for him, so he is a part of my daily prayers. I pray for his strength, his mind, and I pray God fulfills the desires of his heart.
Before I had my breaking point of being his paper heart. We discussed why I avoid communicating with him .I avoid contact with him to avoid being disappointed by him.
During the holidays we were in constant communication with each other. We made plans to see each other. Well that didn’t happen and again I was disappointed. It’s like a cycle: he disappoints me, I avoid contact with him, and eventually I find a way to forgive him and the bad “FRIENDSHIP” cycle starts all over again.
Meeting the poet in the market affirmed Gods words…
“ So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” . ( Isaiah 55:11 )
The message I received from the poet was to remain patient and not settle for just any male.
God I’m listening.

3 Things to Remember When You Feel Broken

3 Things to Remember When You Feel Broken

By Simone Williams

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)

There was a large, unsightly crack above a window in my room. It spanned the entire top area between the ceiling and the window itself. We recently decided to have it fixed. I wasn’t at home when the repairs were being done but as I walked into my room, I stopped dead in my tracks. Had I not known that that crack had been there, I would have doubted anyone who said so. The masonry work and paint job were superb.

The area looked brand new!

This morning as I lay on my bed staring at the ‘new’ wall, I kept asking myself why I waited so long to do this.

As I closed my eyes to thank God for this blessing, the Holy Spirit showed me the following…

1. We cannot fix ourselves.

I couldn’t fix this crack on my own since I know nothing about masonry. I had to trust the experts.

Whatever it is in our lives that needs to be fixed, we have to turn it over to God. He is waiting patiently to fix it. Be it the crack of lying, stealing, drunkenness, marital problems, work problems…whatever it is – give it to Him. He is THE expert.

Philippians 4:6 says “Be anxious for NOTHING, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and supplication with gratitude, make your requests known to God” (caps are mine).

2. We have to be willing to let God  in.

My house is my sanctuary; the place that I feel the safest. It is not a thoroughfare. But in order to have the repairs done, I had to open it up to outsiders for days on end. In other words, I had to trust them in my house – my private space completely.

We also have to be willing to let God into our lives – not partially but wholly. He needs full access to work; to bring about the changes in our lives as He sees fit. When we go to God, we cannot hide anything from Him.

1 Samuel 16:7 says “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees. For man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

3. We have to trust that He knows what He is doing.

I had to trust the workers to assess the problem and come up with a solution.

In the same way we too have to trust God to deal with our problems as HE sees fit. We have to stop trying to do it on our own and let him work. He’s good at it!

Proverbs 3:5-8 says “5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your body, and strength to your bones.”

Be blessed today!

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

Natal Anak+ kesaksian

Natal anak diadakan pada tanggal 17 Desember 2016 di GKI Coyudan. Pembicara Pdt. Wisnu Sapto Nugroho dan kesaksian dari keluarga Kezia Grace (anak down syndrome).
Dalam kisah drama musikal, anak sekolah Minggu diberi hadiah benang dan jarum oleh keluarganya. Ia marah karena hadiah itu kurang berharga dan mengecewakan. Namun akhirnya anak itu menyadari Tuhan Yesus adalah hadiah Natal terbaik.

Dalam Natal anak ini, ada kesaksian dari keluarga Kezia Grace. Yohanes 3:16 adalah ayat yang menguatkan keluarga Kezia akan begitu besarnya kasih Kristus dalam hidup mereka. Kezia Grace adalah seorang anak yang menderita down syndrom. Anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus tak ingin lahir seperti itu. Keluarga Kezia menangis di awal tapi berjuang untuk bisa menerima dan bersyukur pada Tuhan. Jangan pernah menyerah pada keadaan dan kesulitan.

Keluarga Kezia menangkap janji-janji Tuhan dan bersabar. Tuhan membawa kemenangan. Keluarga ini tetap menjaga persekutuan intim dengan Tuhan Yesus tiap hari. Iman mereka makin bangkit dan mereka lebih dekat pada Tuhan. Jika kelurga Bp Daniel tidak memiliki anak berkebutuhan khusus, mereka tidak akan mendirikan Kezia School dan tidak memiliki kepedulian pada anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus. Kezia School memberkati byk anak berkebutuhan khusus. Awalnya 500 anak, kini berkembang menjadi 2000 anak yang belajar di sana. Banyak anak berkebutuhan khusus dan keluarga-keluarga yang dipulihkan melalui keluarga ini. Juara adalah orang-orang yang pantang menyerah dan bisa berdiri lagi bersama Tuhan meski jatuh berulang kali. Janji Tuhan tak pernah gagal. Yesus cinta keluarga kita.

Menurut Toni Hermawan (orangtua ASM), perayaan Natal anak ini bagus, unik, dan berbeda dari yang sebelumnya karena ada kesaksian keluarga anak down syndrome yang mengingatkan bahwa berkat Tuhan dapat muncul dari beban hidup.

Asih setyowati (panitia) menyatakan bahwa panitia memang memiliki ide yang berbeda tahun ini karena mengundang kehadiran keluarga.
Sebaik apapun dalam kepanitiaan, semuanya sia-sia tanpa campur tangan Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Hati yang mau rendah hati dan selalu mengandalkan Tuhan sangat diperlukan. Kuasa kasih dan kesaksian dari keluarga anak down syndrome dipakai Tuhan untuk mengingatkan akan penyertaan, penerimaan, serta pemulihan dalam keluarga. Sungguh anugerah Tuhan dalam Natal ini begitu luar biasa.

Bapak Sani (GSM) dan Dion (ASM) berpendapat acara Natal anak ini bagus dan perlu ditingkatkan lagi tahun depan.

When A Man Is Not Ready…

When A Man Is Not Ready…

By Felecia Datus

When a woman gets to the stage where marriage seems to be the single most important thing in the universe, the doors of temptation fling wide open. Patience, grace, and feminine mystique are put to the ultimate test.

But sisters, here’s one thing to remember; DO NOT approach a man when he is hungry or thirsty!

My dad does not function very well when he is hungry. My brother, who everyone knows is super humorous and cheerful can be a tantrum-throwing baby and completely irrational when he’s hungry (maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit.

But the point is, I have noticed that these two main men in my life don’t like to be bothered when they are hungry. 

Boaz, Ruth’s husband was apparently the same way, hence Naomi’s instructions;

“Wash yourself therefore, and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes, and go down to the threshing floor; but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking.” (Ruth 3:3)

Naomi decided that it was time for Ruth to be married. She instructed her to prepare herself and go down to the threshing floor where Boaz would be winnowing barley (in other words – he was at a place where he was separating trash from treasure). Ruth was to wait for four things to happen;

1. Wait until he’s done his work (of separating trash from treasure)

2. Wait until he is done eating

3. Wait until he is done drinking

4. Wait until he is sleeping

The same instructions are given to virtuous women today. If you notice a young man who you are impressed to see as fit to take on the role of husband, father, and priest, you must ensure that he has done his work of getting rid of “chaff” in his life.

Psalm 1:4 lets us know… “Boaz was winnowing in order to get rid of the “worthless” part of the grain.”

Everyone has chaff and there are some things that you cannot afford to allow into a relationship.

From a distance, Ruth waited and watched Boaz thresh barley. From a distance, you must also take notice to see whether this man is actively working with the Lord to get rid of “worthless things” in his life.

Then she had to wait until he was done eating.

“Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.” (John 6:35)

A man who is still hungry has not yet come to Jesus, and if he is thirsty, he has not yet believed in your Savior. 

According to Health Day News, researchers found that “when people are hungry, they are more likely to be angry or aggressive…the reason why: serotonin levels — a  hormone that helps regulate behavior, fluctuate when people are  stressed out or haven’t eaten.” Basically, when someone is hungry, the levels of serotonin are so affected that it causes one to react in anger, irritation, or frustration. You can expect a man who is not spiritually fed to react in the same manner.

Finally, Ruth had to wait until Boaz was asleep.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”(Matthew 11:28)

Has this man found spiritual rest in Christ? Too many men are stressed out, burnt out, and have no rest. These characteristics will add stress to your relationship. It is vital that he finds rest for his soul.

Note that before God brought Eve to Adam, Adam had eaten , he had rivers of pure water , he had his work , and he fell asleep. All these Boaz had also done. Now it’s time for Ruth to make her entrance!

But wait…

Maybe you’re thinking that in order for this man to notice you, you have to do something to make him notice you right? No, Ruth does the opposite…she lies down. She doesn’t make any sound to wake up Boaz. Ruth approached quietly…and lay down.

When the time comes for you to make yourself known to a man worthy of you, you make your self known by not making yourself known.

Proverbs 25:2 says “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of kings to search it out.”

If a man is truly a Godly king, the Lord will wake him up to your presence and he will search you out. All you have to do is “lay low” and let the Lord wake him up.