

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Pay attention..Note campur aduk..😂

Regrann from @jolynne_whittaker - WHITE HOT PROPHETIC WORD
✨1-25-17✨God is going to show you everything you need to know in order to make the right decisions.  I hear the Holy Spirit saying INTERVENTION and REVELATION is coming --- in a great UNCOVERING of information.✨Thank you, Jesus!  We praise you!!✨
PAY ATTENTION!  The Lord is going to show you what you need to know.  It may hurt, it may unhinge you, it may motivate you, it may mean things now must change in your relationship, family, career or workplace --- but the wondering is about to END. .
You're about to FIND OUT some things, LEARN some things, as the Lord REVEALS many things.  Some of it will be hard, some of it will be amazing.  Some of it will be a relief, some will be a celebration.  Some of you are going to be glad because at least know where you stand.  And some of you will finally know what moves you must make.
So yes, the coming revelations may challenge you or require action from you, but you are going to learn everything you must, in order to do what you must.  BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR SEASON OF GROWTH, and when we track with Jesus, we ALWAYS reach our OPTIMAL destination.  Awaiting you an OUTPOURING---there is GREAT BLESSING on the other side of your actions!  To God be the glory for what He's about to do!
✨✨To those who are touched by this prophecy, I encourage you to respond appropriately to what the Lord is about to tell you.  Obedience will bring forth blessing!

Aku sedang dlm tahap investigasi thd sifat2 asli bbrp org yg mendekatiku akhir2 ini..hehe..
Sbg single happy...sbenarnya happy2 aja..
Hm tp my famz tu menanyakan ttg pasanganku terus..
Diminta memilih diantara 2 org lain yg sudah kukeluarkan dr kandidat..krn tdk sesuai kriteria..yah gitu deh susah menjelaskannya..pokoknya ga seimbang n ga sepadan..
Aku menemukan ini..Ayatnya pas banget ya perasaan...

Kisah Para Rasul 1:24 (TB)  Mereka semua berdoa dan berkata: "Ya Tuhan, Engkaulah yang mengenal hati semua orang, tunjukkanlah kiranya siapa yang Engkau pilih dari kedua orang ini,

Acts 1:24 (NET)  Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the hearts of all. Show us which one of these two you have chosen.

Sudah gitu aja..itu cuma kuhubung2kan sendiri sih..wkwk...

Ketika es batu hrs meleleh mjd air...
Air itu tetap bermanfaat utk menghilangkan dahaga dan memberikan kesegaran...
Air itu jg bs dicampur bhn2 lain shg mjd susu, coklat, teh, kopi, dsb..
Air tetaplah bermakna apapun bentuknya..
 Be strong n courageous...
#my #quote #Priskila

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