

Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

Heart is valuable

Seek God first.
He is greater than time itself and knows what's in the #heart of every man, He is capable of guiding yours! Because your heart is valuable.

@kingdomdating101 -  Whether it be a #romantic #relationship or #friendship, pay attention the kind of people who you spend the most time with. This is so important because the more you invest in someone, the more you begin to see who they really are, but also, the more difficult it is to break away if that friendship or relationship is not what it needs to be.
It is much harder to break off an unhealthy #dating relationship when you've been dating for years and you've invested so much time into one another. It is much more difficult to end a friendship with someone who is a bad influence when you've been hanging out every #single day semester after semester, or year after year. It is wiser to look at those #relationships now. Today. As followers of #Christ, we are to evaluate ourselves daily, by dying to our flesh (giving up our own ways) and making sure our focus is on the Lord's Way. This is what #Jesus says on this:
..."If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. - #Luke 9:23-24
This applies to the way we approach relationships too. We have our own ways of deciding who and when we should give our time to, when we should say "I #Love You" and when we decide to have more intimate #relationships. But what does #God say? What does what God want for your heart? Surely, if He is greater than time itself and knows what's in the #heart of every man, He is capable of guiding yours!
So when you find yourself wondering, "Did I go too far with the last text I sent?" or "Should I be hanging out with my coworkers as much as I do?" or "Should I be sharing intimate details about my #life with this certain person?," know that God is MORE than equipped to guide you in this. If you're wondering what someone's intentions are or if you just don't know what do about ANY relationship or friendship, remember to seek the Lord. Your heart is valuable to #Him and He knows it inside and out. So be mindful of who you're investing and go to the #Lord DAILY about it all.

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